prototk is a protocol buffers library for Rust.
prototk is a protocol buffers library for Rust.
setsum provides a checksum that operates on unordered sets of byte strings.
mani provides a text-based write-ahead log.
Setsum and mani can be combined together to track the setsum for a rich data structure.
sig-fig histogram provides an exponentially-distributed histogram with bounded error.
guacamole provides a linearly-seekable random number generator.
ProtoQL is an emerging open-source project aiming to provide a novel way to manage structured data using protocol buffers within a key-value store environment. It seeks to combine the strengths of both worlds, offering the schema definition and data serialization advantages of protocol buffers with the scalability and performance benefits of key-value stores.
In this article I begin to explore what matters to agents in 2025.
The first quarter of my upcoming book in which I articulate how I think about building systems.